Thursday, August 22, 2019


From what I read from the artical " The Right to Your Opinion " is that I was a little confused with the artical but started to understand it and when I was reading more into the artical I figured that to be entiled to your opinion you must carry a support and facts but without having any of these it can be useless but you can still entiled to your opinion and say.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Hello! Welcome to my blog post. My name is Pedro Barrera I don't know what to say but here are some things about me I like to play video games, play sports, spent time with my friends and family, and watch anime. Also, this all new to me but I like to experience new things, now that I said everything you can expect many thing from this blog like my own respond to thing and things about me.

Gatsby Test Questions chap 1-4

CHAPTER 1 How does Nick describe himself at the beginning of the book? How does Nick know Daisy and Tom? CHAPTER 2 How does Myrtle ...